Safety Gala Albania 2022

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  • Safety Gala Albania 2022
  • June 23, 2022

Safety Gala Albania 2022

"Oil & Gas Sector showing the way: Safety culture, a key to success”

SAFETY GALA ALBANIA was organized in Tirana on 23 rd of June 2022 and was attended by more than 100 participants. The event, which achieved remarkable results, was the successor of Tirana Gas Pipeline Safety workshop series since 2015, and is continuously regulated under the auspices of the Albanian Ministry of Industry and Energy and supported by the Greek Embassy in Albania.

Engineering & Risk Management Consultants ShPK (ERMC), a recognized pioneer on Environment, Social, Occupational Health and Safety Management Fields, brought together speakers from key Albanian authorities such as State Labour and Social services Inspectorate, Mines Safety Authority and Emergencies, Emergency Response and Preparedness Directorate, National Agency of Natural Resources, Technical and Industrial State Inspectorate, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albanian Association of Occupational Health and Safety, European Society of Occupational Safety & Health, etc. enforcing the message and the commitment towards such vital aspects of the economy and society.

The event gathered companies from various fields such as Oil & Gas, Energy and Industry, Construction, Cement Industry, Commerce & Services and relevant representatives, HSE professionals and other disciplines professionals from Albania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, France, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, etc. evolving more than 20 local companies and more than 17 international companies operating in Albania.

Speakers from various international recognized companies such as SHELL, ENI, TAP, VOLTALIA, MANAGEMENT FORCE, SNAM, SETA, YILDIRIM Group, etc. shared their exceptional experiences in the field of HSE and Safety Culture and contributed to an overall constructive discussion.

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