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The task at hand is to develop a comprehensive Health and Safety, Disaster Management, and Site Security Plan for the Butrint World Heritage Site. This involves designing high-quality solutions and integrating various aspects into a cohesive strategy. Planning includes careful consideration of costs and investments, ensuring harmony with the new visitor center, and addressing any existing flaws or problems. Recommendations will be made to enhance site standards, including training personnel and implementing fire alarms and signals. Manuals will be created for quick and efficient emergency response, while a risk mitigation strategy will be devised to protect the site's archaeological significance. Additionally, methods will be proposed to mitigate extreme temperatures for visitors, and all actions will adhere to relevant Albanian laws and international best practices.
Voltalia has been awarded to ERMC the services of HSE Coordination for the KARAVASTA Project. The project consists on the Construction Karavasta Photovoltaic Plant – 140 MW and the Construction of 220kV line from PV PLANT to Fier SS.
GROWTH project awarded successfully. ERMC part of the consortium composed by a group of companies and Universities from Greece, Bulgaria, and Westerns Balkans countries. The project consists on strengthening resilience by offering targeted national and local scientific and practical training activities for capacity building and awareness-raising of the risks and impacts of manmade disasters.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has been awarded to ERMC the services of Independent Environment and Social Consultant for the rehabilitation of the 34.7 km railway line between the Tirana Public Transport Terminal (“PTT”) and the city of Durres and the construction of a 7.4 km railway line between the Tirana PTT and the Tirana International Airport (the “Project”).
RINA CONSULTING SPA (on behalf of ENI Albania) has awarded to ERMC the HSE Supervision services for the Seismic Survey activities for the ENI ALBANIA Onshore drilling activities in Dumre Area, Elbasan Albania. The project consists of approximately 200 km of explosive and vibriosis acquisition of onshore 2D seismic data in Albania, Dumre block. 350 kilometers of seven 2D receiver lines are spread on 4 districts, Elbasan, Fier, Berat Kavaja located in central part of Albania. It is about 40 kilometers to get to the capital of the country from the central part of the project area.
Parks and Recreation Agency, Tirana Municipality & Embassy of Grecce in Tirana, Provision of Safety Management Services during preparatory phase and works execution phase for the Construction of Hellenic Park, Farka lake, Tirana.
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, Safety Inspection for Construction of three small scale waste water treatment plants in Cerrik Municipality, Elbasan.
Parks and Recreation Agency, Tirana Municipality & Embassy of Grecce in Tirana, Provision of Safety Guidelines for the organisation of Tiranathlon 2021 & 2022, an international triathlon competition, Tirana.
Initiative for Social Change ARSIS, Fire Safety Training for the personnel, Tirana.
Anion SHPK, Fire Safety Training for the personnel, Tirana.
Logomekanika SHPK, Fire Safety Training for the personnel, Tirana.
Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Provision of QHSE Support Services and Safety Coordinator for the Operation & Maintenance of Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Albania
A.Celli Paper S.p.A, Provision of Health & Safety Consultancy Services and Health & Safety Officer for the Construction of new INTERTRADE HELLAS S.A., paper factory in Oinofita, Viotia, Greece.
Albanian Gas Services Company Sh.A., Support for the Development and Implementation of Health & Safety Management System; Safety Coordinator and Support on Local Health & Safety Law Requirements for Operation & Maintenance of Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Albania.
ERICSSON AB, Provision of Health & Safety Consultancy Services; Health & Safety Responsible Person for ERICSSON Albania Branch, Albania.
INGENUITY CONSULTING ENGINEERS, On-Site Occupational Health & Safety Training for Waste Water Treatment Plants’ personnel of Velipoja, Shiroka, Lezha, Kavaja, Vlora and Saranda, Albania, under the GIZ assignment, EU support project to Waste Water Management and Treatment Services (EUSWAM).
Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Legal Compliance Audit for Operation & Maintenance of Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Albania.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG, Provision of Environmental, Social, Occupational Health & Safety Consultancy Services for the update/upgrade of OSHEE Distribution Control Center; Construction of a new 110 KV substation and Upgrade of 20KV grid including new compact 20 KV substations, Albania.
Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Delivery of trainings in accordance with the ECVET Training Courses and Competency Assessments for the Albanian Fire Services operating along the TAP operation corridor for Emergencies and Evacuation and field related response plans, Fier, Berat and Korça region, Albania.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG, Provision of Environmental, Social, Occupational Health & Safety Consultancy Services for the Construction of 400KV Transmission Line Albania - North Macedonia, Lot 1 & Lot 2.
Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP - AG), Development of Emergency Support Services for the Operation & Maintenance of Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Albania.
Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP - AG), Provision of Health & Safety Coordination Services (H&S Coordinators) for the Construction of Trans Adriatic Pipeline, including Pipeline, Compressor Stations and Landfall Offshore Section, Albania.
Albanian Gas Services Company Sh.A., Support for the Development and Implementation of Health & Safety Management System; Person in Charge for Health and Safety at Work; Support on Local Health & Safety Law Requirements for the Operation & Maintenance of Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Albania.
MANE TCI (BALFIN GROUP), Development of Health & Safety Management System; Development of Occupational Risk Assessment for the Head Office and projects (construction phase: - Green Coast Resort; - Rolling Hill Resort.
Vagalat SHPK, Development of Health & Safety Management System; Training and Support the Health & Safety Responsible Person, Albania.
INFRAKOS (Kosovo Railway Company), Provision of Technical Support for Implementation of Health & Safety Management System; Technical Assistance for the development and delivery of an OSH Capacity Building Programme I (ICSI - Involvement for Continuous Safety Improvement); OSH training for the Top-Level and Middle Level Managers; Safety Audit for INFRAKOS operations and activities, Kosovo.
INFRAKOS (Kosovo Railway Company), Provision of Technical Assistance for the implementation and certification with ISO 45001; OSH Capacity Building Programme II, Kosovo.
ANTEA CEMENT SHA, Revision of Occupational Risk Assessment (Bilingual) for all cement plant operations and activities, Albania.
Vitafoam Albania SHPK, part of The VITA Group, UK, Revision and adjustment of company’s Health & Safety Management System; Development of Occupational Risk Assessment; Periodic Safety Site Inspections and Training, for Vitafoam Albania operations and activities, Albania.
ERNST & YOUNG ALBANIA, Development of Health & Safety Manual; Development of Occupational Risk Assessment; Development of Emergency Procedure, Emergency and Evacuation Plan; Personnel OSH Training, Albania.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG, provision of Environmental, Social, Occupational Health & Safety Services for the construction of new 220kV double circuit overhead line Tirana – Rrashbull & Extension and reinforcement of the substations Tirana 2 and Rrashbull & The construction of new 110kV transmission lines (Tirana 1 –Traktori – Tirana 3, Tirana 3 – Selita and Tirana 3 – Farka) & Construction of the new 400/110kV substation Tirana, Albania.
MERAJ-AL SHPK, Development and implementation of Health & Safety Management System according to OHSAS 18000, Training and support of Health & Safety Responsible Person, Albania.
DANI Group SHPK, Development and implementation of Health & Safety Management System according to OHSAS 18000; Training and support of Health & Safety Responsible Person, Albania.
UNIPER TECHNOLOGIES GmbH, Provision of Health & Safety Coordination Services (HS Coordinators) for the Construction of New Access Roads and Bridges, Construction of Pipeline and Construction of Compressor Station and Metering Station for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline Project in Albania.
AFMENA N.P.T, Development and implementation of Health & Safety Management System according to OHSAS 180001; Training and support of Health & Safety Responsible Person , Kosovo.
JV ALBAVIA & SINTRAM, Development and implementation of Health & Safety Management System; Provision of Health & Safety Coordination Services (HS Coordinator) and Occupational Physician Services for the project of Construction of Qukës – Qafë Pllocë, Road section of Tirana – Korca Road Corridor, Albania
KASO EMIT, Development and implementation of Health & Safety Management System according to OHSAS 180001; Training and support of Health & Safety Responsible Person , Albania.
AKTOR SA Technical Anonymous Society, Development and Implementation of Health, Safety and Security Management System; Provision of Coordination Services (HS Coordinators) for construction of Rrapun 3&4 Hydro Power Plant, Albania
LENGARICA & ENERGY SHPK member of ENSO HYDRO, Development of Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Management System, OWNER HSE Consultancy Services for the construction of Lengarica & Energy Hydro Power Plant, Albania.
LURI N.T.T, Development and Implementation of Environmental, Health & Safety Management System according to OHSAS 180001; Training and support of Health & Safety Responsible Person, Sharrcem Mine activites, Kosovo.
Erica Albania Ceramiche SHPK, Development of Occupational Risk Assessment, Albania.
L'altra Bottiglia SHPK, Development of Occupational Risk Assessment, Albania.
EUROPA METAL CONSTRUCTION, Development and Implementation of Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Management System according to OHSAS 180001; Training and support of Health & Safety Responsible Person, for the operations of metal production plant, Albania.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG, Review of Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Manuals of contractors for the project of enlargement of existing 400/110 kV substation Zemblak, Korça and the extension of substation Sarande and Babica, Albania.
SHARRCEM SHPK (TITAN GROUP), Assistant Coach Service for the development of the Involvement for Continuous Safety Improvement Programme , Hani i Elezit, Kosovo.
JV COPRI Construction Enterprises LLW – AKTOR SA, Development and Implementation of Health, Safety and Security Management System; Health & Safety Management for the construction of TIRANA-ELBASAN Road Project, Segment No 1, Km 0 (2+850) Sauk till Tunnel of Krraba Entrance Km 13 (15+650), Albania.
JV COPRI Construction Enterprises LLW – AKTOR SA, Development and Implementation of Health, Safety and Security Management System; Health & Safety Management for the construction of TIRANA-ELBASAN Road Project, Segment No 3, Km 15.2 (18+200) Tunnel of Krraba Exit-Elbasan City Km 27 (29+275), Albania.
AKTOR SA – Technical Anonymous Society, Development and Implementation of Health, Safety and Security Management System; Health & Safety Management for the construction of the double Krrabe tunnel, part of the Highway route Tirane-Durres-Rrogozhine-Elbasan region, Albania.
ICTS ALBANIA, Development of Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Manuals and Occupational Risk Assessment for ICTS field of operation in Tirana International Airport and Sheraton Hotel Tirana, Albania.
ALPINE BAU GbmH, Development of Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Management System; Health & Safety Coordination for construction of New Highway Fieri – Vlora and Fieri – Tepelena (segment 1), Albania.
ANTEA CEMENT SH.A. (TITAN GROUP), Development of Health & Safety Management System for the operation phase; Emergency Response Plans; Occupational Risk Assessment; E- Training Package; Hazard Identification Study (HAZID) for the operation of ANTEA NEW CEMENT PLANT 330T/D, Albania.
ANTEA CEMENT SH.A. (TITAN GROUP), Development and Implementation of Project Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Management System; OWNER OHS Management for the construction of NEW ANTEA CEMENT Greenfield Cement Plant (3300T/D), Albania.
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